Carbon Tax... I have sat here for quite a while trying to work out how this would be a help to our great nation? Well guess what I cant find one. Every angle I have looked at it there is NO positive impact it could have.
Now on the other side of the coin who would this impact on mostly?... simple answer.. Every man woman and child. Having a carbon tax will change things, Prices will rise, jobs will be lost, unemployment will rise, and as production falls the economy will slow is this what we really want?
It is a scientific FACT CO2 is not causing our climate to change dramatically and the changes are actually minimal but helpful. There is a great site CO2 science that has a great article on this very subject and they say this..
What it means
As ever more anthropogenic CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere and the air's CO2 concentration rises ever higher, so too does the photosynthetic prowess of earth's terrestrial vegetation grow ever stronger, as the great global greening of the earth gains ever more momentum and sucks ever more CO2 out of the air and incorporates it into living biomass and soil organic matter, thereby muting the rate of global warming that would otherwise prevail in the absence of this important negative feedback phenomenon.
Well can someone tell me how that is bad?? I cant see it! If anything it is helpful. take a look at this...
Global warming benefits: Global food production has increased as a result of rising atmospheric CO2 levels and global warming. Several studies show that another 1⁰C of warming would result in a 2% increase in GDP. Warm periods are significantly better than cold periods for human health, growth, longevity and prosperity. Famine and disease plagued Europe during that preindustrial Little Ice Age, several degrees colder than the Holocene maximum and significantly cooler than the Roman and medieval warm periods. Despite global warming from 1916 to 1937, malaria mortality in the Mississippi declined four-fold as incomes increased. Mortality from tuberculosis and typhoid also declined dramatically. Dengue is likewise related more to living standards and public health measures than to climate.
Professor Hughes said.. "Claims by politicians and lobbyists that green energy policies will create a few thousand jobs are not supported by the evidence. In terms of the labour market, the gains for a small number of actual or potential employees in businesses specialising in renewable energy has to be weighed against the dismal prospects for a much larger group of workers producing tradable goods in the rest of the manufacturing sector,"
So how can a Carbon Tax be justified?? I think its wrong and it will have a dramatic effect in a direction we as a people dont want to go. We would all love a strong economy, low unemployment, job creation but that wont happen with the introduction of a Carbon Tax.
The Government of today needs to stop and think and get it right now before its too late.
The greatest hoax played on the planet is this notion of Global Warming. There is far too much data now that proves that Global Warming was just a trick to line the pockets of the elitists such as Al Gore. We can all agree that there is climate change, but it is no different than it has been these millions of years. There is NO question that the reality of Cap and Tax will have an extraordinary impact on the lives it touches by RAISING the cost of gas, food, medicines and utilities. It's time the politicians stop lining their pockets on junk science and tell the bloody truth.